Meet the team

Debbie Ngarewa-Packer ~ Te Tai Hauāuru
Off the Coast of Te Tai Hauāuru, a descendant of Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāruahine and Ngā Rauru, Debbie Ngarewa-Packer is a current list MP and Co-Leader for Te Pāti Maori. She has been selected to stand again for Te Tai Hauāuru electorate in 2023 and hopes that the mahi she has done over the past three years as the party’s Co-leader and as a list member would’ve given her electorate confidence in her ability to work hard and be a strong advocate for Te Tai Hauāuru.
Debbie is very much a grassroots activist and environmental campaigner. Prior to her becoming an MP, she had more than two
decades experience in governance, executive management and iwi leadership. Her mahi in mobilising her iwi and local community in the campaign against seabed mining off the South Taranaki Coast, has continued to be reflected throughout her time in Parliament.
As a list member for Te Pāti Maori, Debbie has been part of pushing for improvements in Environmental policy, addressing
poverty, and creating a more equitable society for Maori to thrive in. She is constantly out in her electorate, understanding the importance of being engaged with those who she represents, so that their voices can be heard. She has built a strong relationship
with Co-Leader Rawiri Waititi, where they have been able to learn and grow together and improve their starting point for Te Pāti Maori in the upcoming elections.
“I have demonstrated throughout my career, spanning both before and after my time in Parliament, that I can deliver real
change. Our people have the solutions to our own problems. We need Māori MPs who will fight for our solutions, every moment of every day – and that’s exactly what I will do. As a Whaea and Kui, I am unwavering in my resolve to fight for a strong future for
all our mokopuna to thrive.” - Debbie Ngarewa-Packer.