
Te Pāti Māori will:

Establish Māori Justice Authority

  • Establish an independent Māori Justice Authority.
  • Reallocate 50% of Corrections, Police and Courts budgets to Māori Justice        Authority.
  • Disestablish Youth Justice Residences by 2030.
  • Abolish the type and style of prisons by 2040 (Scandanavia).
  • Work with whānau, hapū, iwi and Māori organisations to devolve justice services.
  • Invest in kaupapa Māori Justice solutions/Muru/Restorative Justice
  • Adopt all Waitangi Tribunal recommendations regarding Justice issues.

Overhaul discriminatory legislation

  • Repeal Bail Amendment Act.
  • Raise the age of criminal responsibility to 16.
  • Amend the Clean Slate Act to apply to custodial sentences.
  • Overhaul Misuse of Drugs Act so that drug use is treated as a health issue.
  • Wipe criminal convictions for drug use and possession.
  • Require Police officers to wear body cameras.
  • Stop benefit attachment orders on all welfare recipients and introduce a judgement proof debtor policy.
  • Disestablish the Independent Police Conduct Authority and replace it with a prescribed list of experienced Barristers to have the same investigatory powers.

Uphold Human Rights in Prisons

  • Expand rehabilitation and recovery services for people in prison.
  • Guarantee minimum entitlements for people in prison are upheld.
  • Increase the Steps to Freedom payment to $1000.
  • Reinstate the right for all whānau in Corrections facilities to vote.
  • Ensure adequate accommodation, food and bedding for all prisoners.

Invest in community mental health and addiction services

  • Expand Mental Health Co-response Teams to shift responsibility for mental health callouts away from Police.
  • Increase funding to preventative mental health services and double investment in alcohol and other drug-related prevention, harm reduction and treatment.